I have had this website for over 20 years. Its primary purpose is to share images of what I do in the arts. I was hacked several years ago and am finally rebuilding my website. It will take awhile and there will be many iterations. I have begun by uploading art from previous years. Some pieces were completed more than 50 years ago. I will be displaying my paintings, sculpture, woodcuts, and jewelry .... Oh, My name is Tim Robinson and I have been working in the arts for a very long time. Please be patient as I get this website going again. I can be contacted via email --- sleepingcatgallery@gmail.com
I have begun adding pages and you can access them through the navigation bar or with images representing each page. This is the Home page. There will be pages for Paintings, Woodcuts, Jewelry, Sculpture and who knows what else. Clicking on the sleeping cat image at the top of each page will bring you back to the Home Page.
I didn't do much documenting of my work when I was young, so the site will not be a "complete works of", but I hope it will be of interest to you. Please feel free to contact me via email. Little by little is how it will go. Images of my work are NOT organized by creation date. Instead they are a bit higglety-piggelty.
Pages now Available: Jewelry 1, 2, and 3 (pendants, earrings, and necklaces), Paintings (titles and art descriptions to be added little by little), Woodcuts ... More pages soon.
Contact Email: sleepingcatgallery@gmail.com